Saturday, September 27, 2008

Entity is Gold.

Well Entity is finally released to the public and is available as a digital download at Enjoy.
It takes a lot of work to get even a small game out the door! So I will be taking a small break before commencing work on SBG. Time for a little Age of Conan I think...cya soon.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Other work

Well SBG has been on the back burner the last few weeks, mostly due to me getting the flu, but also because I have been working to finish an earlier project called "Entity".
This is a game I originally coded on the Amiga 15 years ago. In late 2005 I began work on a new version, but never did get it finished enough for release. Recently my brother sent me a copy of the original he found online . This sparked my drive to finish the remake.
It is almost finished and should be ready for release in a week or so, after which I`ll be back on SBG.